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Organizational Capacity

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Organizational Capacity Objective 1

By 2024, PRHS staff will increase student engagement through recognition for achievements beyond athletic accomplishments, as measured by:

Measure 1: A 70%  increase in time publically celebrating non-athletic student achievements and accomplishments
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 2.5% of time spent in pep assemblies was dedicated to celebrating non-athletic student achievements and accomplishments.  Ongoing data collection through the rest of the current school year to gather final baseline data.

Measure 2: 100% of building bulletin boards/showcases will be utilized and maintained for activities, clubs, etc.
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 5% (3 of 60) bulletin boards/showcases are being used

Measure 3: A 20% increase in the amount of time Pine-Richland TV includes features that celebrate student successes (closed circuit network in the school building)
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 40% of airtime includes features that celebrate student successes

By 2024, all PRHS faculty will increase organizational capacity by communicating regularly with families regarding student learning, as measured by:

Measure 1: 100% of PRHS faculty will create, use, and maintain a district-approved platform for communication
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 60% of PRHS faculty have created,  use, and maintain a district-approved platform for communication

Measure 2: A 70% increase in the amount of time communicating course curriculum by transitioning from an Open House model to a Curriculum Night Model. Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 10% of the Open House model focused on communicating course curriculum

Measure 3: A 70% increase in the communication of student achievements and accomplishments by using the showcase in the main lobby of the high school on a monthly basis
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 0%;

The showcase in the main lobby is not currently used to recognize student achievements and accomplis


Organizational Capacity 2

By 2024, Pine-Richland High School staff and students will exhibit behavior that demonstrates an environment of mutual respect, as measured by:

Measure 1: A 10% decrease in the number of students missing 10 or more days of school
Baseline Year: 2016-2017
Baseline Data: 415 (out of 1470) students missed 10 or more days of school

Measure 2: A 10% decrease in the number of disciplinary infractions that result in in-school or out-of-school suspensions
Baseline Year: 2016-2017
Baseline Data: 69 incidents that resulted in students receiving in-school-suspension or out-of-school suspension

Measure 3: A 10% increase in positive responses of the annually district-administered student survey of seniors over previous years data focusing on student perception of respect and interest from teachers
Baseline Year: 2016-2017
Baseline Data: 67% of seniors responded positively to the district survey to the question “My teachers are interested in me and know me as a person”

Organizational Capacity Communication Objective 1

By 2024, all PRHS faculty will increase organizational capacity by communicating regularly with families regarding student learning, as measured by:

Measure 1: 100% of PRHS faculty will create, use, and maintain a district-approved platform for communication
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 60% of PRHS faculty have created,  use, and maintain a district-approved platform for communication

Measure 2: A 70% increase in the amount of time communicating course curriculum by transitioning from an Open House model to a Curriculum Night Model. Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 10% of the Open House model focused on communicating course curriculum

Measure 3: A 70% increase in the communication of student achievements and accomplishments by using the Rampage, high school website/e-news and  PRTV.  
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 0%;