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Student Performance

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Student Performance Data Objective 1

By 2024, students at Pine-Richland High School will demonstrate improved academics in Biology, Literature, and Algebra skills, as measured by:

Measure 1: A five-point increase in the School Performance Profile indicators of growth in Biology, Literature, and Algebra.
Baseline Year: 2016-2017
Baseline Data: Literature - 85, Algebra - 88, Biology - 65

Measure 2: 10% increase in student performance on PSAT exams.  The district requires all juniors to sit for this exam.
Baseline Year: 2016-2017
Baseline Data: We have this information, but need to get it from the appropriate person.

Measure 3: A 10% increase in the average student scores on AP exams
Baseline Year: 2016-2017
Baseline Data: AP Literature - 3.6, AP Biology 3.07

MSA Student Performance Objective 2

By 2024, students at Pine-Richland High School will demonstrate better choices in selecting appropriate classes, as measured by:

Measure 1: A 10% decrease in the number of course change requests
Baseline Year:  2017-2018
Baseline Data: 635-course change requests were made

Measure 2: 100% of students will complete their Career Readiness Portfolios by the end of their junior year
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 0%; no students currently have Career Readiness Portfolios

Measure 3: A 10% decrease in the number of level changes between AP and Honors courses indicating that students have a better understanding of the expectations of AP and Honors standards
Baseline Year: 2017-2018
Baseline Data: 202 students made a level change (AP to honors or honors to academic)