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Preschool Program

The Pine-Richland High School Child Development Preschool is registering preschoolers for both a fall and spring session during the 2024-2025 school year.

Each session will be about eleven weeks, three days per week. The program will begin at approximately 9:30 am and conclude at 12:30 pm. Beginning and end dates will be announced later.

For consideration for the 2024-2025 school year, please complete and return the registration form (PDF) along with your child's immunization record and $50 registration fee to hold your child's spot. Return completed forms to:

Pine-Richland High School
Attn: April Dull

700 Warrendale Road
Gibsonia, PA 15044

The following requirements must be met in order to have your child enrolled in the PRHS Preschool Program:

  • Child must be three years of age by September 1st and toilet-trained
  • Child must have transportation to and from preschool
  • Parent/guardian agrees to arrive and depart promptly at designated times
  • Parent/guardian agrees to submit a registration fee with a cost of $200 per semester
  • Parent/guardian/child cooperates with all rules of the school and the teacher in charge

Program Goals

two high school students do an activity with a preschool student
  • Encourage positive social skills, including cooperation and independence
  • Develop respect for one’s own rights as well as the rights of others
  • Develop self-expression
  • Help the child become self-confident
  • Create an atmosphere where learning can be fun
  • Help stimulate the child’s independent thinking
  • Help develop language skills, both listening and speaking
  • Stimulate a curiosity about the world
  • Help develop problem-solving skills
  • Encourage independence and self-control

The Preschool Program was established to enhance the child development courses in the Family & Consumer Science curriculum at the high school. This program serves as a child study laboratory school and provides high school students the opportunity to observe and apply what they are learning in theory. A variety of activities will provide learning experiences that will encourage physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. Activities will include arts and crafts, stories, games, exercises, music, songs, learning activities in math, letters, and science, and free play. Learning will be encouraged through play and developmentally appropriate activities.


Mrs. April Dull is the supervisor of the Pine-Richland High School Preschool Program. She is a certified teacher with a Bachelor of Science degree from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. High school students enrolled in the preschool class will be working with your child. They must be a sophomore or older and be enrolled in the Child Development/Preschool Education Program. Under the direction of the teacher, these students will plan and implement the learning activities.