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Pine-Richland High School Named the William H. Tacey High School of the Year


Mrs. Harshman, Dr. Hernandez, Udi A., and Ms.  Szymanski

Pine-Richland High School was named the William H. Tacey High School of the Year for the Forensics Speech and Debate team’s accomplishments by the Pennsylvania Communications Association at their annual conference on September 30 at Slippery Rock University. Pine-Richland High School was honored for its continued dedication toward the advancement of the Forensics Speech and Debate team and for providing a flourishing legacy of effective communicators, opportunities and resources for students. 


Students who participate on the Forensics Speech and Debate team have the opportunity to compete in 12 tournaments in a wide variety of categories including poetry, prose, humor, drama, duo, original oratory, impromptu, extemporaneous, commentary, public forum, Lincoln Douglas and congressional debate.  

Forensics Speech and Debate team head coach Ms. Kayley Szymanski and assistant coaches Mrs. Jagriti Dashora and Mrs. Leticia Harshman were recognized for their dedication to the team.    

The Pennsylvania Communications Association also named senior Udi Akolkar the Jeanne Lutz High School Speaker of the Year, an award which recognizes excellent communicators and role models at the high school level. Udi competes in Lincoln Douglas Debate on the Forensics Speech and Debate team and has been a member of the team since 2021. He qualified and competed at nationals as a sophomore and he also served as the alternate for nationals last year. Udi additionally demonstrates servant-leadership as a team officer by leading debate practices and mentoring new members. 

Students in grades 7-12 may compete on the Forensics Speech and Debate team. The team meets Mondays and Wednesdays after school in room 221 at the high school. The first tournament of the season is scheduled for Saturday, October 28. A total of 12 tournaments will be offered throughout the season through March; students need only attend three tournaments to become officially recognized as part of the team. Interested students should contact assistant coach Mrs. Harshman via email

Pictured above from left to right: Forensics Speech and Debate Assistant Coach Mrs. Harshman, Principal Dr. Hernandez, senior Udi Akolkar, and Forensics Speech and Debate Coach Ms. Szymanski 

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