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Third Quarter School Counseling Update

We hope the semester of this school year was both rewarding and appropriately challenging for students and families in our secondary programs.  We look forward to continuing this growth process throughout the year.  This email provides an overview of the lessons that will be presented to our secondary students during the third quarter of the school year (note:  Grades 7 and 8 do not have any planned lessons for quarter 3).

As we have shared in the past, our secondary school counselors provide our students with various lessons to assist them in achieving their goals, pursuing their interests, and managing their lifelong learning.  Lesson topics include career education, academic achievement, and social/emotional growth.  Linked here is the full list of lessons and an overview of each lesson (by grade level).  This informational resource provides our families with additional details related to each lesson.

As we move into the third quarter of the school year, our 7-12 school counselors will focus on the following lessons. We look forward to sharing these learning experiences with your students.


School Counseling Lessons - Grade 9

# Lesson Time Location Teacher's Role
3 Skills Promoting Student Success #2 (Time Management/Goal Setting) 40 minutes Health & PE Observe
7 Suicide Prevention & Intervention (Risk Factors & Warning Signs) 15-minute video  Activity Period Observe


School Counseling Lessons - Grade 10

# Lesson Time Location Teacher's Role
4 Suicide Prevention & Intervention (Risk Factors & Warning Signs) 15-minute video  Activity Period Observe


School Counseling Lessons - Grade 11

# Lesson Time Location Teacher's Role
1 Career Education & Work: Career Interest Profiler, Save a College, Save a Career 40 minutes English Observe
4 Suicide Prevention & Intervention (Risk Factors & Warning Signs) 15-minute video  Activity Period Observe


School Counseling Lessons - Grade 12

# Lesson Time Location Teacher's Role
3 Suicide Prevention & Intervention (Risk Factors & Warning Signs) 15-minute video  Activity Period Observe


If you would like to opt your child out of one or more of the lessons (except for required lessons linked to Career Education and Work Standards), please complete this form (If you have already completed this form there is no need to complete it again).  A new form must be completed for each child. Students opting out of one or more lessons will receive an alternative learning activity or a study hall.  Please contact your child’s school counselor if you have any additional questions.

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