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PTO Fundraising

PTO Fundraising

Throughout the year, the fundraisers listed below will support the PRHS PTO and the support it provides to the school and its students. 

The PRHS PTO is a 501c3 organization. Thank you for your support of the PRHS PTO.

PRHS UnFundraiser

PRHS UnFundraiser

Do you want to support the PTO but get overwhelmed with all the fundraisers throughout the year? Are you tired of the spirit wear sales and dine out nights? The PRHS PTO is now offering an ‘OPT OUT’ fundraising opportunity to the families of our high school students.  The PRHS PTO supports many different programs and events throughout the school year; however, none of these are possible without fundraising efforts.  Our goal is for each family to make a one-time $30 family donation, which will allow parents to feel absolutely GUILT FREE and fund student appreciation events and scholarships. As an added bonus, with the $30 contribution, a family will receive a directory and the knowledge of knowing their efforts will help our group create an amazing school year for the students and staff. 

To Opt Out,


Please save your Chick-Fil-A receipts. It is an easy way for you to help us to supplement  meals for future student  and teacher events. If you do online ordering, please email your receipt to

Paper Receipts, please place in an envelop marked PRHS PTO and send it to school. Please give to front office Staff. 

Thank you so very much.